Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Beliefs

I think that if we try and hold back technology in the classroom then it will not only be hurting the students that we teach but it will put us behind in the world. Teaching with technology a big part of the future for sure. Even right now its big. In class we were using a devise called the elmo witch helped the kids have a wonderful way of seeing what you are modelling. Kids will have to learn how to use this technology because its going to become the world around them.

From how fast technology is growing in the world today we as teachers will have to learn to adapt to it in order for us to still communicate with the next generation. Just like the kids were talking about in the youtube video Millenial Generation the technology is going to be part of are lives and hopefully make life a little easier.

I'm excited to accept this change. I do not want to be left out of the loop about technology. As a future teacher it will be necessary for me to use it and help my students and own kids progress. With what will be coming out in the future kids will be able to learn and grow so much more then we were every capable of doing.

Lessons Learned

I Learned a few things from these readings, videos, and web sites. Even though i thought that the videos were the most entertaining my favorite page was on the 3D projector. It would be so cool to be able to use a projector like that to teach or learn about different places in the world. I think that videos can be a huge support to learning.

On one of the youtube videos from the kids talking I was able to relate a lot to them when they were talking about how their parents, in my case mother, was not able to use it and the kids in the family had to fix lots of things from it. I also liked hearing from them about how they thought that Technology will increase greatly and help us to be home with our family's more.

The other video that had a lot of facts about USA, China and India was very interesting. It made me think about how many people live in the different places. USA is a small amount of people. Technology will play a big part in keeping up with the other nations. It bothered me that this video was made 7 years ago though. I would have liked more updated facts.

"Strengths & Weaknesses"

I understand most of the Basic Technology Equipment Operations and Concepts and feel very good at using them. But one that is pretty difficult would be the use terminology related to computers and technology appropriately in written and oral communications. But the reason that its so hard is not because I don't understand how to use them its because my English has never been that good. This is the reason that I was not sure how to answer the question about trouble-shooting techniques. I'm pretty sure I know how to use them but I don't remember what this word means.

I feel like Tools to Access Information is a pretty easy thing to do. Growing up learning how to use the web for information has made it pretty easy. Through this class i have also learned more ways to find information that I need. For example UEN is a great place to start. You can also use the web to look for when it was made and updated.

Tools to Use Information I also feel quite capable. Through this course I did learn and find a love in Google tools: like gmail, Google docs, and much more. It has helped my communication skills with class mates and teachers. Last but not least is Software Applications witch i think has a lot to do with tools to use information. I think I am pretty strong in this category.

Through this I have decided that i need to learn more about terminology related to computers. To do this Ive found three podcasts about terms they are computer terms 1, computer terms 2, and computer terms 3.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 14th Field work

Field work has been so much fun so far!! I love being in the class room and being able to help teach and get to know the kids. I'm learning a lot on how to communicate with the kids and how to manage them. It is so nice to see what the teacher does and what I can do:) In class I was able to use my Video to help teach about the pioneers.

As a student trying to be a teacher field work is the best thing that has happened yet! All the things that I have learned I am able to see or do in the classroom which formulates a process in my head. It makes me excited to learn more in school that I can apply. Working with my cooperating teacher and my partner in the school is great because I can learn more of how to work with my colleagues. This has been the best thing to this point for my future career of teaching. This technology can help me in the class to set the right mood and my colleagues can use what I have made.

I know have the knowledge to make a video for my kids to learn from. It is a new way that I can teach. In the class I now see how a video can become useful and an advantage in the class. hat does this technology mean to my future students?  Because of this class I know will appreciate more how much time it takes to develop a great video to teach with. Field work has been a great thing:) 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

24 February - Digital Story 1

Well this week we learned about what we will be doing for the next few weeks. The next few weeks we will be doing digital story's. I had a great time watching digital story's that have already been made and what the requirement are for making my own.

Mostly I think that I can use this in classes but I do not see any way to use this in my life right now, except for this assignment. In the class room setting it would be very useful to bring in a feel for what you are talking about and help with the mood that you are wanting to set. As a group of teachers you could make some and use them in your lessons.

In the future I do see may self putting some digital story's together because I think that it helps kids to get excited or see the meaning about what they are learning. Which motivation is a huge part in teaching. I don't think that my teaching will change to much at least the style but I do think that my teaching can improve with this information. After making digital story's I will be able to share them with my colleagues so if they want to use them they can. I am excited to teach.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Google Docs and You

This vidcast is called google docs and you. It is a how to type vidcast. This how to vidcast is to teach someone who does not know about google docs how to use it.  The three points that it talks about are how to create, how google docs saves, and how to share or collaborate with others.
This is to help with all the core curriculum by providing ways for kids to work together. That is the reason that I choose to do a how to use google docs. Through google docs we as teachers and students can provide the tools to work together and be able to communicate with each other. This could help a lot with are teaching and learning.
The things that could be potential drawbacks are few but there are some. One is if the students or teacher don’t completely understand google docs then technical difficulties will always be a problem.
To continue to use this program I would make more short vidcasts to instruct more difficult but wonderful things that google docs do. I think that this vidcast will help you learn and be able to apply google docs in your class room or just life.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This last week was great we learned some new fun tool and how to make a vidcast. I think the funnest thing that I learned was jing it is a cool tool to show what is online.

I'm still trying to figure out how to use it except for this assignment. I do think that i can use it for more but right now I cant think of anything except this assignment which is to show how to do something. Maybe in class I could make it to show the kids how to do something so when they go home they have an easier time doing the assignment but that is still a how to do.

Well this week we will be using jing to make a how to use Google docs. This will be pretty fun to see how it all works out and to see the potential of this tool. I am excited to see more about this tool and ways to use it to make life easier.